My birthday
This is my birthday, I turn 28th years old now. I'm a wife for a year and recently loss my mom. I believe everyone have their time when you favorite TV program can't catch your attention and you start loosing your appetite towards some of you favorite foods. Or simply can't put your mind on thing that you do. Perhaps that is what happening to me, right now. This is my birthday, but I'm not excited. When people congratulate me on my Birthday, I try to put a bright smile, but deep down I'm crying. This is my birthday, and I'm missing my mom so bad. Some of memories on my birthday suddenly pop out. I remember time when I was in elementary school, my mom bake me a cake, a simple cake so I can take it to school and share it to all my friends. I remember one time on my Junior High School, I mad with her, because she's nagging me badly. I remember the last time on my 25th birthday when our family spent time together on beach. This is my birthday, i...